+VAT FAILED - Pro-Elec heater
+VAT FAILED - Pro-Elec heater
+VAT FAILED - Pro-Elec heater
+VAT FAILED - Pro-Elec heater
+VAT FAILED - Pro-Elec heater
+VAT FAILED - Pro-Elec heater
+VAT FAILED - Pro-Elec heater
+VAT FAILED - Pro-Elec heater
+VAT FAILED - Pro-Elec heater
A white plastic garden table and four chairs
A metal industrial style wall cabinet fitted single drawer and mirror
A stripped pine storage cupboard
Two, as new, Homebase, gazebos
A Hayter petrol rotary lawnmower
A collection of gardening tools and brooms
A quantity of garden planters and flower pots
A bed table and a metal pail containing fire irons, barbeque utensils
A willow pattern bowl, similar plate, Victorian blue and white toilet bowl etc.
Two concrete garden ornaments
A spindle back captain's style chair and off cut leather
A painted plans chest in two sections
A quantity of garden planters
A collection of miscellaneous model sailing ships
A folding table; a garden kneeler; a quantity of rope etc.
An ornate cast iron fire surround
Two garden planters, a hose reel and coal skuttle
A folding garden chair; barbeque grill etc.
A Hayter Harrier 56 petrol lawnmower
A collection of long handled and other gardening tools
Three buckets containing hinges and window latches
A quantity of plastic garden planters
A wooden garden bench and chair
A tray box of wool working items, including a drop spindle and carding brushes etc.
A mop bucket, "Caution Wet Floor" sign and two sinks
A faux bamboo cast iron and stained glass heater AF
John Graham, oil depicting ships at dusk
A Hayter Envoy 36 electric lawnmower and a Flymo hover mower
A stripped pine storage cupboard
A cast iron door stop in the form of the Titanic
A wooden and metal garden bench
A collection of long handled gardening tools