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  • Salvage & Architectural Antiques (336)
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  • 336 item(s)

A Dualit two slice toaster

A metal industrial style wall cabinet fitted single drawer and mirror

A stripped pine storage cupboard

Two, as new, Homebase, gazebos

Two galvanised wall planters

Three metal clothes rails

A Hayter petrol rotary lawnmower

Lot 1471

A wooden gate

A wooden gate

A bed table and a metal pail containing fire irons, barbeque utensils

A wrought iron candle stand

A collection of tiles

A willow pattern bowl, similar plate, Victorian blue and white toilet bowl etc.

Two concrete garden ornaments

A spindle back captain's style chair and off cut leather

A concrete bird bath, AF

Lot 1265

A sack barrow

A sack barrow

A quantity of garden planters

A folding table; a garden kneeler; a quantity of rope etc.

An ornate cast iron fire surround

A Flymo electric lawnmower

A Hayter Harrier 56 petrol lawnmower

Two veneered doors

A vintage porthole

Lot 1446

A stone plinth

A stone plinth

An oak court cupboard

Two interior doors

Lot 1461

A butler's sink

A butler's sink

A wooden garden bench and chair

A tray box of wool working items, including a drop spindle and carding brushes etc.

A pine side cupboard

Two aluminium step ladders

A Flymo electric lawnmower

A Henry vacuum cleaner

A Hayter Envoy 36 electric lawnmower and a Flymo hover mower

Lot 1486

A weather vane

A weather vane

A stripped pine storage cupboard

A wooden and metal garden bench


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