Reserve not met No Image Lot 114 Stock pigeon hole storage unit to include plastic 90° corner pieces and 4 drawer filing cabinet with 114Stock pigeon hole storage unit to include plastic 90° corner pieces and 4 drawer filing cabinet with Eddisons Stock pigeon hole storage unit to include plastic 90° corner pieces and 4 drawer filing cabinet with contents Add to watchlist Timed
Reserve not met No Image Lot 1032 grey pigeon hole unit 1032grey pigeon hole unit NCM Auctions grey pigeon hole unit The winning bidder is responsible for dismantling, removing and loading their own items. Services such as gas, water and el... Add to watchlist Timed
Reserve not met No Image Lot 41 Large quantity of clothing to corrugated pigeon holes (including corrugated pigeon holes) 41Large quantity of clothing to corrugated pigeon holes (including corrugated pigeon holes) Eddisons Large quantity of clothing to corrugated pigeon holes (including corrugated pigeon holes) Add to watchlist Timed
Reserve not met No Image Lot 51 2 Pigeon hole units and contents 512 Pigeon hole units and contents Eddisons 2 Pigeon hole units and contents Add to watchlist Timed