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179 item(s)/page
This auctioneer has chosen to not publish their results. Please contact them directly for any enquiries.
Title: Johannes Vermeer 'Girl With A Pearl Earring' Platinum Leaf Rare Limited Edition SilkscreenDescription: 1919 - Rare limited edition of ...
Title: Rare Roy Lichtenstein "Look Mickey, 1961" Limited Edition On Metal.Description: 1908 - Certified Limited Edition by the World renowned...
Title: Pablo Picasso Limited Edition "Les Femmes D'Alger"Description: 1909 - This rare limited edition on silk by Pablo Picasso titled "Les F...
Title: Kim Brooks Original PaintingDescription: 1920 - Original watercolour by the well known English wildlife artist Kim Brooks. Framed and ...
Title: The Fever Van Limited Edition By L.S. Lowry.Description: 1910 - Limited edition by L.S. Lowry titled "The Fever Van" This is one from ...
Title: Fabulous 6ft x 5ft George Stubbs "Whistlejacket" Limited Edition On Canvas.Description: 1916 - This very large limited edition on canv...
Title: Vincent Van Gogh Limited Edition (Self Portrait) One of Only 85 Published Worldwide.Description: 1911 - Rare limited edition by Vincen...
Title: Marsha Hammel Original Oil PaintingDescription: 1912 - Original oil painting on gessoed art card by the superb American artist Marsha ...
Title: Marsha Hammel Original Oil PaintingDescription: 1913 - Original oil painting on gessoed art card by the superb American artist Marsha ...
Title: Four Panel Hand Painted Gold Leaf Style ScreenDescription: 1907 - A beautiful hand painted four panel screen with gold leaf style work...
Title: Tamara De Lempicka Limited Edition With Lempicka Signed CertificationDescription: 9625 - Very collectable rare Limited Edition by Tama...
Title: Limited Edition By L.S. Lowry Titled "The Canal Bridge, 1949".Description: 1914 - Superb Limited Edition by L.S. Lowry titled "The Can...
Title: Joan Miro "Femme Oiseaux 1976" Rare Limited EditionDescription: 1915 - Rare Limited Edition by the world famous Spanish artist Joan Mi...
Title: Harry Potter "Spellbound" By Sidney Maurer (1926-2017)Description: 1917 - Superb limited edition by the late Sidney Maurer (1926-2017)...
Title: James Dean "Rebel" By Sidney Maurer (1926-2017)Description: 1918 - Superb limited edition by the late Sidney Maurer (1926-2017) is One...
Title: Limited Edition Auguste RenoirDescription: 1928 - Limited edition Lithograph by Pierre Auguste Renoir. Signed in the plate limited edi...
Title: Original Russian Oil On CanvasDescription: 1921 - Delightful original oil on canvas depicting a winter scene, signed lower right. Fram...
Title: Italian Oil On Canvas By Gennaro MaugeriDescription: 1922 - A lovely original oil on canvas of a coastal scene in Sant Augustino by It...
Title: Original Painting By John Chisnall "St. Leonards Terrace, Chelsea"Description: 1923 - Original watercolour by the English artist John ...
Mixed Media Original By Kirk
Title: Mixed Media Original By KirkDescription: 1924 - Colourful abstract mixed media original on art board signed Kirk. H: 72cmW: 72cmD: 1cm...
Mixed Media Original By Kirk
Title: Mixed Media Original By KirkDescription: 1925 - Colourful abstract mixed media original on art board signed Kirk. H: 72cmW: 72cmD: 1cm...
Title: Original Oil On Canvas By Italian Artist SalviatiDescription: 1926 - Original Oil on Canvas by Italian Artist Salviati depicting a Ven...
Title: Original Oil On Canvas By Artist Walter PiazziDescription: 1927 - Original Oil on Canvas by Italian Artist Walter Piazzi depicting a c...
Title: Original Oil On Canvas By Roberto MasiaDescription: 4175 - Original painting of a Venetian scene by the Italian artist Roberto Masia t...
Title: Original Painting of Paris By English Artist Anthony OrmeDescription: 4365 - This is a superb pastel painting by the talented and resp...
Title: Ltd Edition By Toulouse Lautrec "At The Moulin Rouge"Description: 1810 - Limited edition by Henri De Toulouse Lautrec Title "At the Mo...
Title: Gustav Klimt 22 Carat Gold Rare Limited Edition "Tree of Life" With CertificationDescription: 9616 - An absolutely stunning rare 22ct ...
Title: Original By Italian Artist Giampiero Malgioglio.Description: 5831 - Framed original painting on paper by the Italian artist Giampiero ...
Title: Original Painting By Eldar KavshbaiaDescription: 5535 - A striking original oil on art card by artist Eldar Kavshbaia. Signed by the a...
Title: Pablo Picasso Limited Edition On SilkDescription: 9602 - Limited Edition by Pablo Picasso on silk with a weight of 16 Momme. Titled "F...
Title: Marc Chagall Limited Edition "Flowers Over Paris" One of Only 50 Worldwide.Description: 9552 - This superb limited edition (One of onl...
Title: Mirella Bitetti Original Painting "Scream"Description: 5806 - Striking original framed painting on canvas by Mirella Bitetti titled "S...
Title: Original Painting By Luk Kwok YuenDescription: 1805 - This fabulous original oil on canvas by the superb Hong Kong artist Luk Kwok Yue...
Title: Very Large Original Painting By English Artist Tony RomeDescription: 5303 - Very large original pastel by the English artist Tony Rome...
Tamara De Lempicka Limited Edition With Lempicka Estate (New York) Authenticated Certificate.
Title: Tamara De Lempicka Limited Edition With Lempicka Estate (New York) Authenticated Certificate.Description: 9617 - Rare Tamara de Lempic...
Title: Original Oil On Panel By Van Den HoevenDescription: 7436 - Fine original oil on panel by the Dutch artist Van Den Hoeven b.1940 depict...
Title: Limited Edition By Gerry Baptist "Blue Nude"Description: 1620 - Limited edition by Gerry Baptist number 14 of 150 worldwide. Lovely fr...
Title: Claude Monet Limited Edition "Water Lilies, 1916" One of Only 95 Published.Description: 9612 - This limited edition titled "Water Lili...
Title: Russell Flint Limited Edition "Retreat From The Sun"Description: 7620 - A limited edition Sir William Russell Flint titled "Retreat Fr...
Title: Limited Edition By Marsha HammelDescription: 5572 - A framed limited edition on canvas by the American artist Marsha Hammel. One of on...
Title: Original Framed Painting By Marsha HammelDescription: 5187 - A very nicely framed original oil on gesso by the fabulous American artis...
Title: Original Painting On Canvas By Artist Shawn MackeyDescription: 5459 - A rare original painting by the superb Canadian artist Shawn Mac...
Title: Original Oil On Canvas By Anthony OrmeDescription: 9524 - Original oil on canvas by the talented English artist Anthony Orme. Titled "...
Title: John Mackie Original Framed Pastel PaintingDescription: 7378 - Framed original pastel painting by the artist John Mackie depicting a v...
Title: Signed Limited Edition On Canvas By James BlinkhornDescription: 5234 - Limited edition on canvas by the talented English artist James ...
Title: Pam Carter DA PAI, Signed Limited EditionDescription: 9289 - Framed limited edition by the respected multi award winning artist Pam C...
Title: Limited Edition "Slowhand" By The Late Sidney Maurer.Description: 7340 - Limited edition by Sidney Maurer (1926-2017) One of only 95 w...
Title: Original Painting By Mirella BitettiDescription: 5815 - Original painting on canvas by Mirella Bitetti. Supplied with a replacement va...
Title: Stunning Very Large (6ft) Original Painting By Adrian TorresDescription: 1858 - Very large absolutely stunning original oil on canvas ...
Title: Stunning Original Large Oil Painting 5ft x 5ftDescription: 4336 - A striking Large original colourful oil painting of the Beijing ope...
Title: Rare Limited Edition By The Late Montague DawsonDescription: 8908 - Rare limited edition titled "Gale Force Eight" by the late renowne...
Title: Limited Edition By The Late Sidney Maurer - Kurt CobainDescription: 9564 - This fabulous large limited edition by the late American ar...
Title: Original Pastel Painting By Anthony OrmeDescription: 1868 - This is a superb original by the respected English artist Anthony Orme and...
Title: Kandinsky Limited Edition "Impression III (Concert), 1911"Description: 9628 - This Wassily Kandinsky stunning limited edition titled "...
Original Oil By Anthony Orme
Title: Original Oil By Anthony OrmeDescription: 7703 - Original oil on panel by the English artist Anthony Orme. Titled "Vlasta" this origina...
Title: Original Marsha Hammel PaintingDescription: 4550 - Fabulous framed original oil on gesso by the American artist Marsha Hammel. This pa...
Marc Chagall Lithograph
Title: Marc Chagall LithographDescription: 7451 - Marc Chagall mounted Lithograph. Ready to frame. H: 32cm W: 24cm D: 1cm Condition: NewLo...
Title: John Ambrose Original Oil On CanvasDescription: 7647 - Original oil on canvas by the English artist John Ambrose. This coastal scene i...
Title: Authenticated Limited Edition By The Late Artist Sidney Maurer. (Jim Morrison)Description: 5322 - Superb Limited Edition by the late S...
Title: Marc Chagall Limited Edition. 'Grand Bouquet De Renoncules, 1968'Description: 9316 - Limited edition by renowned artist Marc Chagall (...

179 item(s)/page