Old Goole, East Yorkshire
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  • 09:30 - 16:30 GMT
  • 09:30 - 16:30 GMT

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Currency: GBP
Commissions ex. VAT/sales tax: 24.95% (includes buyer's premium and online commission)
VAT/sales tax on hammer: 20.00%

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Waterways Salerooms, Dutch River Side, Old Goole, East Yorkshire, DN14 5TB, United Kingdom

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750 item(s)
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  • 750 item(s)

A 925 silver Blue John spinning fob pendant, 35mm, a 925 silver articulated fish pendant, 60mm, a 925 silver masonic pendant, 40mm, and three smal...

Seven 925 silver rings, two broken examples, together with a silver Wedgewood pendant, a rolled gold pendant and a silver brooch, total weight 52g

A pair of 925 silver and lapis lazuli earrings, and a matching pendant, together with a 925 brooch, bracelet and pendant, total weight 36g

Three marcasite brooches, two marcasite necklaces and three pairs of clip on marcasite earrings, floral designs, in boxes

A silver hinged bangle with engraved floral design, 45g, an 835 silver necklace, 10g, three 925 silver pendants and several silver rings and earri...

Five 925 silver gemset rings, N-Q, two 925 silver gemset pendants, and a pair of 925 silver gemset hook earrings, 31g

Two 925 silver and gemset pendants, a 925 silver gemset cocktail ring, P 1/2, a 925 silver gemset hinged bracelet and a pair of 925 silver gemset ...

Eight 925 silver gemset rings, N, 24g

Eight 925 silver gemset rings, N-R, 22g

Carolyn Pollack, a 925 silver gemset beaded necklace with matching bracelet, together with a 925 silver ring, Q, 16g

Four 925 silver gemset rings, O-P, 48g

Four 925 silver and gemset pendants, 45g

David Anderson, a 925 silver and enamel floral brooch, 42mm, a pair of 925 Norwegian silver and enamel clip on earrings and a 925 Norwegian silver...

Four silver and paste brooches, two of which are unmarked, one is 900 silver and the last is 925 silver, largest being 60mm, 27g

Charles Horner, a silver hinged engraved pattern bangle, 58mm, with an Edwardian silver and paste perfume bottle brooch, and an unmarked silver lo...

Three 925 Victorian silver brooches, an unmarked silver round brooch and a 925 silver "Mother" brooch, largest being 45mm, 18g

Candida, South Africa, sterling silver panel bracelet with a T bar fastening, An 830 silver, possibly Swedish bracelet and an unmarked silver fili...

A sterling silver and blue enamel dragonfly brooch, 50mm, together with two sterling silver and enamel butterfly brooches, 9g

Two Scottish silver brooches, depicting a longboat and a thistle, a sterling silver bird brooch, two 925 silver Celtic design pendants and a silve...

A 925 silver Celtic design necklace, stamped CJL, together with a matching 925 silver bracelet and a pair of 925 silver matching earrings with scr...

Two 925 silver pendants, largest 35mm, two unmarked silver pendants, largest 40mm and an unmarked silver bracelet, 19cm, 56g

Two 925 silver and marcasite brooches, largest 60mm, a silver and marcasite floral brooch, 45mm, and an unmarked silver, marcasite and cultured pe...

A 925 silver brooch in the shape of a round shield, 40mm, a sterling silver, paste and tigers eye brooch, 35mm and two unmarked silver brooches, 4...

Three 925 silver Celtic design and thistle design brooches, largest 43mm, a 925 silver pendant, 25mm, and a 925 silver and gemset bracelet, 18.5cm...

A 925 silver gemset bangle, 58mm, two 925 silver pendants, a 925 silver gemset brooch, 45mm and a silver gemset ring, O, 29g

Ola Gorie, a 925 silver cross pendant, 33mm, two 925 silver Celtic design pendants, a Scottish silver heart brooch, 52mm, and a 925 silver Celtic ...

Ola Gorie, a 925 silver circular pendant, 40mm, with a matching brooch, 40mm, and a 925 silver bangle, 60mm, 31g

Four silver rings to include marcasite and amethyst, marcasite and black onyx and yellow gemstone, together with other costume jewellery.

A 9ct gold amethyst dress ring, O, 1.5g, a 9ct gold turquoise cluster ring, M, 1.7g, and a 9ct gold garnet dress ring, M, 2.8g

  • 750 item(s)

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