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226 item(s)/page
Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.
Carlton Part Tea Set 'Foxglove' To Include Teapot, Two Milk Jugs One With Small Saucer, Lidded Pot
Carlton Part Tea Set 'Foxglove' To Include Teapot, Two Milk Jugs One With Small Saucer, Lidded Pot With Small Ceramic Knife, Three Tea Cups, Three...
Carlton Ware Blush Biscuit Barrels To Include Chrysanthemum and Other Floral Design, Tallest 14cm (
Carlton Ware Blush Biscuit Barrels To Include Chrysanthemum and Other Floral Design, Tallest 14cm (2)
Carltonware To include A Cornucopia Vase, Lily Vase Also A Hydrangea Oval Tray 35cm Long(3)
Carltonware Shell Type One Handled Dish Cobalt Blue Floral and Gilt Finish On Metal Type Handled
Carltonware Shell Type One Handled Dish Cobalt Blue Floral and Gilt Finish On Metal Type Handled Frame also Cobalt Blue, Gilt Two Handled Vase Dep...
Mixed Ceramics to Include Royal Doulton Neptune D6548 (Seconds) Arthur Wood Cream & Gilt Vase ( Hair
Mixed Ceramics to Include Royal Doulton Neptune D6548 (Seconds) Arthur Wood Cream & Gilt Vase ( Hair Line Crack Noted), Carltonware Bird Of Parad...
Carltonware Blush Teapots to Include Peony, Arvista also a Floral Design Yellow/White Flowers Tallest 20cm(3)
Carltonware Floral Design To Include Jug, Two Handled Ginger Jar (No Lid) also a Teapot all have a
Carltonware Floral Design To Include Jug, Two Handled Ginger Jar (No Lid) also a Teapot all have a Cobalt Blue and Gilt Finish Tallest 16cm(3)
Carltonware Blush To Include Floral Design Cake Stand, Lidded Butter Dish on a Stand, Square Tray on
Carltonware Blush To Include Floral Design Cake Stand, Lidded Butter Dish on a Stand, Square Tray on a Stand with Serving Spoon Also Condiment Set...
Carltonware Double Handled Vases To Include Petunia Design and A Floral Unnamed Design(2)
Carltonware Pair Of Double Handled Blush Floral Design Footed Vases 23cm Tall (2)
Carltonware Pair Of Double Handled Blush Floral Design Footed Vases 20cm Tall (2)
Carltonware Pair Of Double Handled Blush Flora, Cobalt Blue/Gilt Design Footed Vases 24cm Tall (2)
Carltonware Pair Of Double Handled Blush Flora, Cobalt Blue/Gilt Design Footed Vases 24cm Tall (2)
Carltonware Pair Of Blush Floral Design Footed Vases with Cobalt Blue & Gilt Finish 23cm Tall (2)
Carltonware Pair Of Blush Floral Design Footed Vases with Cobalt Blue & Gilt Finish 23cm Tall (2)
Three Carltonware Teapots Floral Designs With Cobalt Blue and Gilt Finish Tallest 14cm(3)
Carltonware Two Biscuit Barrels With Floral Designs with Silver plated Lids and Handles 15cm Tall (
Carltonware Two Biscuit Barrels With Floral Designs with Silver plated Lids and Handles 15cm Tall (2)
Carltonware Blush Ware To Include Jug, Ashtray also a Lidded Pot all Floral Designs Tallest 15cm(3)
Carltonware Blush Ware To Include Jug, Ashtray also a Lidded Pot all Floral Designs Tallest 15cm(3)
Carltonware To Include Biscuit Barrel With Silverplated Lid And Handle also A Teapot both with
Carltonware To Include Biscuit Barrel With Silverplated Lid And Handle also A Teapot both with Floral Designs(2)
Two Carltonware Blush Ware Lidded Jugs With Floral Designs Tallest 16cm(2)
Two Carltonware Claret Jugs with Floral Designs, Tallest 24cm(2)
Two Carltonware Claret Jugs with Arvista Type Floral Designs, Tallest 24cm(2)
Carltonware To Include Lidded Jug and Teapot with Floral Designs, Tallest 18cm(2)
Carltonware Jug with Floral Designs also a Carmen Ware Jug with Floral Designs Tallest 16cm(2)
Carltonware Jug with Floral Designs also a Carmen Ware Jug with Floral Designs Tallest 16cm(2)
Two Carltonware Blush Candlesticks Depicting Floral Designs 15cm Tall Also A Round Squat Candle
Two Carltonware Blush Candlesticks Depicting Floral Designs 15cm Tall Also A Round Squat Candle Holder Embossed Grape and Vine Pattern on Green Gr...
Carltonware To include Footed Cake Stand and Two Plates 23cm dia With Floral & Leaf Design(3)
Carltonware To include Footed Cake Stand and Two Plates 23cm dia With Floral & Leaf Design(3)
Carltonware Rock Garden Design To Include One Jug and Two Candlesticks Tallest 13cm (3)
Carltonware Blush to Include Petunia Design Serving Dish (Hairline Crake Noted) , Floral Serving
Carltonware Blush to Include Petunia Design Serving Dish (Hairline Crake Noted) , Floral Serving Dish also A Floral Kettle Plate (3)
Carltonware Blue Poppy Design To include a Large Cheese Dish And Cover, Gilt Edged Milk Jug, Silver Plated Rimmed Milk Jug and Handled Sugar Bowl ...
Carltonware Large Handled Serving Bowl Decorated With A Cobalt Blue and Gilt Floral Design 26cm
Carltonware Large Handled Serving Bowl Decorated With A Cobalt Blue and Gilt Floral Design 26cm Dia Also A Blue/White Lidded Floral House Designed...
Carltonware Selection, Arvista Type Design Including A Large One Handled Scalloped Edged Serving
Carltonware Selection, Arvista Type Design Including A Large One Handled Scalloped Edged Serving Bowl 23cm Dia, Two Plates 22cm dia Also Two Frett...
Carltonware Blush To Include A Large Scalloped Edged Handled Oval Serving Bowl Decorated with A
Carltonware Blush To Include A Large Scalloped Edged Handled Oval Serving Bowl Decorated with A Floral Pattern 28cm Wide also Two Small Pink Flora...
Carltonware Large Handled Serving Bowl Floral Design in Cobalt Blue and Gilt Finish 26cm Dia also
Carltonware Large Handled Serving Bowl Floral Design in Cobalt Blue and Gilt Finish 26cm Dia also a Oval Shaped Floral Plate 30cm Long(2)
Carltonware Large Floral Footed Serving Bowl with Silverplated Rim 24cm dia x 18cm Tall Complete
Carltonware Large Floral Footed Serving Bowl with Silverplated Rim 24cm dia x 18cm Tall Complete with Two Serving Spoons (3)
Carltonware Blush Floral Handled Planter 20cm Tall, 20cm dia
Four Carltonware Square Scalloped Edged Bowls all with Individual Floral Designs 20cm x 20cm (4)
Four Carltonware Square Scalloped Edged Bowls all with Individual Floral Designs 20cm x 20cm (4)
Carltonware Blush including A Handled Floral Rectangular Sandwich Type Plate 29cm x 26cm also a
Carltonware Blush including A Handled Floral Rectangular Sandwich Type Plate 29cm x 26cm also a Rectangular Smaller Peony Design Dish 21cm x 18cm(...
Royal Doulton, Two Lady Figures Summer Breeze HN4627 and Happy Birthday 2001 HN4308 (2)
Royal Doulton, Two Lady Figures Happy Birthday HN4393 and Melissa HN3977 (2)
Royal Doulton, Two Lady Figures Sarah HN3978 and Deborah HN3644 (2)
Royal Doulton, Lady Figure Pride of Scotland HN4453
Beswick figures from the Cats Chorus collection to include One Cool Cat CC3 and Glam Guitar CC10 (
Beswick figures from the Cats Chorus collection to include One Cool Cat CC3 and Glam Guitar CC10 (H:10) (2)
Two Beswick Animals Including Collie (Rough) Height 20cm with base also 'Lunchtime Lab' (2)
Three Beswick Vases including Silhouette D'art John Constable Vase Height:20cm also Two Art Deco
Three Beswick Vases including Silhouette D'art John Constable Vase Height:20cm also Two Art Deco Vases(3)
Six Royal Doulton Candle Snuffers including Two The Physician, The Schoolmistress, The Florist,
Six Royal Doulton Candle Snuffers including Two The Physician, The Schoolmistress, The Florist, The Nurse, The Butcher also A Toby Jug The Policem...
Kevin Francis Toby Jug 'SANDRA KUCK' L/E 155/600 Height:24cm
Kevin Francis Toby Jug 'William Moorcroft' Artist Original Proof By Victoria Bourne, Height: 23cm
Kevin Francis Toby Jug 'William Moorcroft' Artist Original Proof By Victoria Bourne, Height: 23cm
Beswick Fish 'Carp' Limited Edition 73/500 Height: 18cm (Hair line crack on tail fin noted)
Beswick Bird 'Jay' 1219, 25cm long x 14cm Tall
Limited edition Royal Doulton Lambethware vase. Dated 2002, height 29cm, number 70/100. Boxed with
Limited edition Royal Doulton Lambethware vase. Dated 2002, height 29cm, number 70/100. Boxed with certificate
Royal Doulton Disney showcase Peter Pan figures Heading for Skull rock and The Duel. Both boxed
Royal Doulton Disney showcase Peter Pan figures Heading for Skull rock and The Duel. Both boxed
Royal Doulton Disney showcase Peter Pan figures Captain Hook and Tic Toc crocodile. Boxed with
Royal Doulton Disney showcase Peter Pan figures Captain Hook and Tic Toc crocodile. Boxed with certificates(2)
Royal Doulton Disney showcase Peter Pan figures Wendy, Tinkerbell and Peter Pan. Boxed with certificates (3)
Three boxed Enchantica figures to include limited edition Nosfertus ( cert), The Nalzarg and Karaxus
Three boxed Enchantica figures to include limited edition Nosfertus ( cert), The Nalzarg and Karaxus (3)
Waterford/ Holiday Heirloom Santa on a train cookie jar and Santa with list cookie jar. (2)
Coalport for Compton Woodhouse Limited Edition Figure The Millennium Bride. Boxed
Coalport Age of Elegance figures Grand Parade and Polonaise Walk. Boxed (2)
Coalport lady figures to include Christina , Amanda and Justine. Boxed (3)
Royal Doulton figures to include Greetings HN4250 x 2, Flower sellers children HN4807, Xmas Angel
Royal Doulton figures to include Greetings HN4250 x 2, Flower sellers children HN4807, Xmas Angel HN4060 and Amy HN4782. All boxed (5)
Royal Doulton limited edition Henry VIII toby jug. Boxed with certificate
Royal Doulton small character jugs Ronnie Corbett D7113 & Ronnie Barker D7114: Limited edition,
Royal Doulton small character jugs Ronnie Corbett D7113 & Ronnie Barker D7114: Limited edition, boxed with certificate (2)
Royal Doulton 101 Dalmatian figures to include Cruella De Vil DM1, Pongo DM6 and Rolly DM4. All
Royal Doulton 101 Dalmatian figures to include Cruella De Vil DM1, Pongo DM6 and Rolly DM4. All boxed (3)

226 item(s)/page