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661 item(s)/page
This auctioneer has chosen to not publish their results. Please contact them directly for any enquiries.
Edwardian mantel clock in oak case
Edwardian mantel clock in oak case
Pair of neo-classical spelter figures
Walnut bureau with 3 over 2 drawers under
Reproduction cast iron post box
Reproduction cast iron post box
Two Leonardo collection lady figures plus a La Ruche figure of boy with lamb
A group of Britains cast metal garden accessories including a bench, fences, bed, paving, flowers
A group of Britains cast metal garden accessories including a bench, fences, bed, paving, flowers etc. (qty)Playworn, some damage
Two floral patterned Clarice Cliff vases
Mother of pearl inlaid Regency tea caddy
Six Caithness and other paperweights
Six Caithness and other paperweights
Pair of silver plated candlesticks
Pair of silver plated candlesticks
Pair of patinated metal figures of peasant girl and labourer
An early 20th century brass smokers' stand of Eastern form Damaged to the top with a break.
An early 20th century brass smokers' stand of Eastern formDamaged to the top with a break.
Victorian drop side spider table plus a modern drapers' box
Satin walnut chest of two over two drawers
Plaster figure of a boys head
Plaster figure of a boys head
Quantity of newspapers describing amongst others - the first ascent of Everest, Germany capitulates,
Quantity of newspapers describing amongst others - the first ascent of Everest, Germany capitulates, Queen Elizabeth comes home, plus others
Paul Costelloe for Wedgwood vase plus a floral patterned bowl
A George II mahogany demi-lune double-leaf tea table, the surface enclosing a vacant interior
A George II mahogany demi-lune double-leaf tea table, the surface enclosing a vacant interior storage, with a plain frieze on circular slender leg...
Vintage James Wellsworth Ltd. students globe, circa 1930'sApprox. 96cm diameter
A 17th century and later highback hall chair, the bergere back flanked by scrolls over a matching
A 17th century and later highback hall chair, the bergere back flanked by scrolls over a matching seat and shaped apron with three roses
Modern waterfall fronted open bookcase with carved panels
Three pairs of floral and bird patterned cloisonné vases (damage to some) No noticeable damage to
Three pairs of floral and bird patterned cloisonné vases (damage to some)No noticeable damage to red vases or taller blue vases. The stand of smal...
Shelf with a collection of butterfly and floral patterned cloisonné vases plus a lidded pot (
Shelf with a collection of butterfly and floral patterned cloisonné vases plus a lidded pot (damage to some)
Shelf with a collection of bird, bamboo and floral patterned cloisonné vases (damage to some)
Shelf with a collection of bird, bamboo and floral patterned cloisonné vases (damage to some)
Small collection of bird and floral patterned cloisonné vases (damage to some)
Five gold and black cloisonné vases (damage to some)
Three Star Wars related table lamps
Three Star Wars related table lamps
A 19th century French tooled and gilt morocco leather papeterie or writing box Lock stuck with no
A 19th century French tooled and gilt morocco leather papeterie or writing boxLock stuck with no key.
Three replica flintlock pistols, plus petrol lighter in the shape of pistol
Box containing Shelley crockery
Box containing Shelley crockery
Washstand jug and bow plus one extra jug
Rectangular bevelled mirror in white painted frame
Rectangular bevelled mirror in ornate silver frame
Print with hedgehog, mushrooms and butterfly
Roy Lichtenstein print plus a print of the Starry Night
A highback hall chair in the late 17th century manner, the beech frame with a bergere seat and
A highback hall chair in the late 17th century manner, the beech frame with a bergere seat and back over a shaped apron
Rectangular mirror in gilt leaf patterned frame
Brass boat clock plus an Edwardian dome topped mantel clock
A 19th century mahogany twin-pedestal sideboard with decorative mouldings, the bow front with two
A 19th century mahogany twin-pedestal sideboard with decorative mouldings, the bow front with two drawers flanked by two drawers and doors, with l...
An early 17th century oak close stool with two dummy drawers, later converted to a cellarette, on
An early 17th century oak close stool with two dummy drawers, later converted to a cellarette, on bracket feet, 51 x 40 x 48 cm
A Regency rosewood polescreen, the fretwork surround enclosing a tapestry of a mother and child,
A Regency rosewood polescreen, the fretwork surround enclosing a tapestry of a mother and child, on a moulded platform base and three acanthus-cap...
Oak bureau with two drawers under
Oak bureau with two drawers under
Three picture frames, an embroidery print of a flower plus a photographic New York print
Olive Walker (20th Century), 'Coombe Hill, near Wendover', initialled, oil on canvas, image 60 x
Olive Walker (20th Century), 'Coombe Hill, near Wendover', initialled, oil on canvas, image 60 x 91 cm
Floral patterned mirror, photographic print of palm trees, watercolour print of African animals plus
Floral patterned mirror, photographic print of palm trees, watercolour print of African animals plus a shark and cottage in the Yorkshire DalesMir...
Aesthetic movement ebonised pier cabinetBeading coming away from edge
Photographic print of a jetty, a print on glass of a lioness and a picture frame
Rectangular mirror in gilt frame
Rectangular mirror in gilt frame
Quantity of paintings and prints to include nude studies, cats, a robin, concorde, still life with
Quantity of paintings and prints to include nude studies, cats, a robin, concorde, still life with flowers and the space shuttle
Stickman print after 'Stik'Poor quality print
Mahogany and glazed double door china cabinet
Rural watercolour with figures in foreground
Watercolour of still life with fruit and roses
Robert Goldsmith (contemporary, illustrator), An autumnal village scene, signed, watercolour,
Robert Goldsmith (contemporary, illustrator), An autumnal village scene, signed, watercolour, image 24 x 32 cm
Watercolours and a print of Cape Dutch farmhouse, Lake District scenery

661 item(s)/page