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278 item(s)/page
This auctioneer has chosen to not publish their results. Please contact them directly for any enquiries.
A packaged roll of white fabric
A cast metal sign, 'Beetle Parking Only'
A Maxi Bubbles Machine by Creative Italian Lighting with a bottle of fluid
'The Handy' Electric Garden Blower and Vacuum
Grundig High Fidelity Deck, R3000-3 Tuner and MCF100 Cassette Deck together with a Sony CD Player.
Grundig High Fidelity Deck, R3000-3 Tuner and MCF100 Cassette Deck together with a Sony CD Player.
Reproduction 'Excalibur' sword mounted on a wooden display
A blue/green suede coat by Janet Ibbotson
A late19th century cast iron fire surround with embossed floral decoration and tiled centre along
A late19th century cast iron fire surround with embossed floral decoration and tiled centre along with a fire grate
A Dawes racing bicycle From centre of bottom bracket to the top of the top tube is approximately
A Dawes racing bicycleFrom centre of bottom bracket to the top of the top tube is approximately 66cm Length of the top tube is approximately 58cm
A Trax T700 gent's touring bicycle
A children's Falcon Castaway bicycle
A Raleigh Pioneer 140 touring bike
An early 20th century oak banjo barometer
An early 20th century burr walnut and strung cased drop dial wall clock by J.R.Masters of Birmingham
A rectangular red ground rug measuring 178cm x 126cm
An early 20th century oak twin pedestal desk, the top with distressed tooled leather inset over
An early 20th century oak twin pedestal desk, the top with distressed tooled leather inset over central drawer flanked by two pedestals of four dr...
Two framed and glazed watercolours of continental boating scenes signed bottom right E.Mercker
Two framed and glazed watercolours of continental boating scenes signed bottom right E.Mercker
An early 20th century carved wooden open arm chair, upholstered in a olive green fabric
An oak backed coat rack with deer hoof hooks
A mid-20th century style teak three tier tea trolley with pierced sides
A framed oil on canvas of sunset boating scene signed bottom left, Alma Perlini Martina
A Victorian mahogany compactum having a pair of centre doors concealing slides above two drawers
A Victorian mahogany compactum having a pair of centre doors concealing slides above two drawers flanked by cupboard doorsMinor marks and scratche...
Three framed and glazed prints, two of sailing scenes, the other of naval battle scene 'Le Bresilien'
A Victorian mahogany chest of two short over three long graduated drawers
An unframed canvas backed oil on paper of 18th/19th century interior scene
John Rawson WALKER (1796-1873) A Romantic river landscape with ruined castle and waterfall, a figure
John Rawson WALKER (1796-1873) A Romantic river landscape with ruined castle and waterfall, a figure on a bridge looking on (1840).
A framed oil on canvas of countryside scene signed bottom right J.Walker
A Victorian mahogany framed chaise lounge
A framed print of a Spitfire, signed bottom left Barrie.A.F.Clark
A Georgian mahogany drop leaf table
An Edwardian flame mahogany circulat tripod table with turned column
Two framed and glazed watercolours, one of Bamburgh Castle, the other of Dunstanburgh Castle signed in pencil to bottom right
An early 20th century photographic print 'The 4th London General Hospital April 1919'
A Regency style mahogany two seater settee upholstered in a cut yellow fabric Dimensions: H, 108cm ,
A Regency style mahogany two seater settee upholstered in a cut yellow fabricDimensions: H, 108cm , W, 132cm , D, 62cm.
A framed and glazed Indian mixed media artwork of lady on camel back
A reproduction oak dresser, the plate rack with two cupboard doors over the base with three drawers over open storage (A/F)Plate rack split at bas...
An unframed oil of gentleman signed G.Harrop along with an unframed oil of beach scene signed
An unframed oil of gentleman signed G.Harrop along with an unframed oil of beach scene signed Alassio
A framed and glazed signed West Bromwich Albion FC shirt (Unverified)
An early 20th century dinner gong, the black and gilt painted gong on pierced wooden stand with
An early 20th century dinner gong, the black and gilt painted gong on pierced wooden stand with mallet
A reproduction, 19th century style, mahogany desk having an assortment of five drawers on cabriole
A reproduction, 19th century style, mahogany desk having an assortment of five drawers on cabriole supports
An Edwardian satin walnut wardrobe, the central mirrored door flanked by carved floral panels over
An Edwardian satin walnut wardrobe, the central mirrored door flanked by carved floral panels over single drawer to base
An early 20th century mahogany and strung fire screen with floral needlework panel under glass
An early 20th century mahogany and strung fire screen with floral needlework panel under glass
An early 20th century walnut veneered glazed display cabinet
A pair of oak arts and crafts folding chairs with memorial plaque to tops
A black painted twin pedestal desk with distressed green tooled leather inset to top
A cane basket along with a wicker garden trug
A Georgian oak circular gate leg table
A 19th century style Knole settee Corner tie missing to right corner, replaced. Left arm warped.
A 19th century style Knole setteeCorner tie missing to right corner, replaced. Left arm warped. Minor damages present to upholstery. Needs cleanin...
Six Regency style mahogany dining chairs
A Georgian mahogany circular drop leaf table on pad feet Cannot measure diameter as tabletop is
A Georgian mahogany circular drop leaf table on pad feetCannot measure diameter as tabletop is not circular. Dimensions: H, 72cm , W, 166cm , D, 1...
A pair of Georgian mahogany rail back dining chairs
A Regency style framed mahogany veneered tilt top table on single pedestal Cannot measure diameter
A Regency style framed mahogany veneered tilt top table on single pedestalCannot measure diameter as tabletop is not circular. Dimensions: H, 70cm...
A mid-20th century style coffee table, the top with embossed abstract decoration on chrome base
A mid-20th century style coffee table, the top with embossed abstract decoration on chrome base
A 19th century mahogany carved dining chair with a cut red fabric seat

278 item(s)/page