Kumar & Company Limited Auctions

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Kumar & Company Limited

  • Industrial Unit 1
  • 83 North Street
  • Walsall
  • West Midlands
  • WS2 8AU
  • United Kingdom
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0121 389 1974

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Contents of Boards 360 Limited - Surf Boards, Charger Skateboards, Wet Suits, Board Covers, Surf Accessories, Board Wax & More
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Contents of Boards 360 Limited - Surf Boards, Charger Skateboards, Wet Suits, Board Covers, Surf Accessories, Board Wax & More Kumar & Company Limited
Walsall, West Midlands
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D & J Timber Ltd - Sheds, Studios, Arbours, Furniture, Planters, Tools, Machinery, Vans, Timber, Roofing Materials,Fence Panels, Concrete Posts
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Contents of D & J Timber Ltd - Sheds, Studios, Arbours, Furniture, Planters, Tools, Machinery, Vans, Timber, Roofing Materials,Fence Panels, Concrete Kumar & Company Limited
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H&H Architectural Systems - Extensive Range of Sheet Metal & Glazing Equipment - As New Edward Rushworth Press Brake & Shear, Amada Pressbrake
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Morgan Rushworth Hydraulic Shear & Press Brake Both As New, Emmegi Comet X6 Machine Centre, Amada HFE M2 Press Brake,Window Machinery, Welding & More Kumar & Company Limited
Please Check Special Conditions, West Midlands
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