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551 item(s)
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  • 551 item(s)

Royal Crown Derby - A modern 21st century porcelain Zebra paperweight. Zebra baby with gilt stopper and maker's mark to underside.13cm height appr...

Collection of five late 20th century majolica plates, comprised of two French oyster dishes numbered 4589 to the underside, two cabbage / leaf gre...

Mid century teel glass lemonade set, comprised of a tall narrow jug and six tumbler glasses. Jug with a clear glass handle, measuring approx. 30.5...

Winterling - A vintage mid 20th century Winterling Germany Bavaria ceramic dinner service. The dinner service having red glaze with white floral d...

Royal Doulton - Contemporary porcelain figurine of Catherine Parr. Tudors Henry VIII's wife limited edition 582 of 9500 modelled by P Parsons HN34...

Daum of France - A boxed French Cristal salt and pepper crystal pot accompanying glass spoons. House in a branded pull off box.

Troika - Teo Bernatowitz - A vintage 20th century circa 1974 Troika ceramic Stickman Coffin vase. The vase of tapered form, with grey, orange and ...

A 19th century Victorian Art Nouveau vaseline glass jug / vases. With scalloped rim into a tapering neck then bulbous body finishing off a circula...

Poole Pottery - A collection of vintage mid 20th century Poole pottery Delphis ceramics. The collection to include a rounded squat vase, alongside...

Royal Doulton - Early 20th century hand painted Art Deco porcelain figurines. Nana Rd 814958 HN 1767, Annabella Rd 830526 HN 1875.Crack on the bas...

Lladro, Nao - Collection of hand made Spanish porcelain figurines. To include a large Bride in a wedding dress, girl on a naturalistic rock base, ...

Denby - A large extensive collection of Denby stoneware dinner / tea service. Including cooking pots, casserole dishes, cups, saucers, plates, egg...

Beswick, England - A vintage 20th century porcelain mare and foal figurine on a naturalistic base. The horses in a standing position in brown colo...

A collection of vintage 20th century porcelain animal figurines. Including USSR Russian examples of panda and ferret. Other examples are large cat...

A mid 20th Century Italian San Marino vase designed by Titano and decorated with a stylised portrait of a lady with beehive hair in black and whit...

A collection of 19th and 20th century Victorian and later transferred creamware. The collection to include toothpaste pots, a Boots Dr Nelsons cre...

Collection of three ceramic money boxes / piggy banks in the form of Royal Mail post boxes. In typical form post box red colourway with adhesive l...

Collection of late 20th century studio pottery glass pieces. Comprised of an Isle of Wight perfume bottle with stopper, a Martin Yeates iridescent...

Burleigh Ware - Early 20th century art deco ceramic tennis player jug. Featured with a tennis player shaped handle. Numbered 5289 with the makers ...

A collection of early 20th century stoneware flagons and pots. The collection to include three large stoneware flagons, two stamped Doulton Lambet...

Mid century Alberta 'Westminster' patterned part tea service with a Royal Worcester 'Roanoke' patterned part tea service. Alberta service comprise...

An early 20th century Art Deco Thais Chiparu manner porcelain lady dancer figure. The statue raised on a stepped plinth. Featuring a Thais Chiparu...

Royal Doulton - 1883 Lambeth Hannah Barlow stoneware tobacco biscuit barrel jar. Decorated with deer illustrations and geometric borders to the ex...

Caithness - Paisley Twists - A collection of three 2003 Caithness Paisley Twists glass paperweights. Each having etched paisley design, with bubbl...

Caithness - A collection of vintage Caithness hand blown glass paperweights. The collection to include examples such as Falling Leaves, Heather Hi...

Caithness - Six late 20th century vintage seasonal glass paperweights. Comprised of Autumn Gold, Spring Symphony, Spring Daffodils, Four Seasons (...

Caithness - A collection of six vintage Caithness Scotland handmade blown glass paperweights. The collection to include examples such as Magic Lan...

Caithness - Collection of six vintage late 20th century glass paperweights, comprised of Tropical Rain, Distraction, Fountain of Youth, Cascade, C...

Windsor - Early 20th century bone china tea service. Comprised of nine tea cups, twelve saucers, twelve small plates, a milk jug and a large sugar...

Collection of 20th century porcelain door knobs. Five different designs present: Red and gilt decorated bulbous knobs, small white and blue flower...

Caithness - Collection of eight 20th / 21st century glass paperweights. Comprised of Millenium Vision, Millenium Awakening 432/750, Fatal Attracti...

Collection of mid century amber glass dressing table set pieces. Comprised of a centrepiece bowl, candlestick, trinket dish, lidded pot, spherical...

Beswick and Royal Doulton - Late 20th century porcelain horse figures. Comprised of a Beswick Exmoor horse figure, a Black Beauty horse figure, a ...

Caithness - A collection of eight vintage Caithness Scotland handmade blown glass paperweights. The collection to include examples such as Chevron...

Caithness - A collection of eight vintage Caithness Scotland handmade blown glass paperweights. The collection to include examples such as Impulse...

Caithness - A collection of eight vintage Caithness Scotland handmade blown glass paperweights. The collection to include examples such as Concent...

Caithness - A collection of eight vintage Caithness Scotland handmade blown glass paperweights. The collection to include examples such as Bundle ...

Caithness - Collection of eight vintage late 20th century glass paperweights. Comprised of Mosaic, Chiffon 610/750, Millefiori Flower, Flower Powe...

Collection of 20th century porcelain dog figurines, comprised of a Beswick Poodle dog sitting on a blue cushion, a Sylvac Scottie Dog 1205, a Goeb...

Caithness - Collection of twenty eight late 20th / 21st century glass paperweights. Examples including Astral Dance, Carnival Cascade 543/650, Asc...

Meissen - Early 20th century porcelain pierced two handled basket dish manufactured by KPM Königliche Porzellan Manufaktur. Decorated with handpai...

Caithness - Collection of eight late 20th century glass paperweights. Comprised of Desert Spring, Polka, Chevrons, Gyro 656/750, Triton 715/750, C...

Caithness - A collection of eight vintage Caithness Scotland handmade blown glass paperweights. The collection to include examples such as Efferve...

Babycham - A collection of nine 20th Century circa 1970s vintage Babycham coupe glasses. With gilt rim and advertising deer to cup.

King's Lynnn Wedgwood - Late 20th century glass pieces, comprised of two Sheringham amethyst purple candlestick holders, two champagne glasses, an...

Caithness - Collection of eight 20th/21st century glass paperweights. Comprised of Dignity, Dash, Saracen, Perpetua, Affection Red, Clarion Call 2...

Collection of three 19th century Pratt ware porcelain pot lids. Each decorated with a transfer image atop, comprising of a fisherman and his child...

Collection of early 19th century Georgian assorted china teacups and saucers. Including examples by Dresden, Booths, Royal Crown Derby, Coalport a...

Caithness - Collection of eight 20th/21st century glass paperweights. Comprised of Inspirations, Ice Blossom 640/1000, Moon Flower Celebration 284...

20th century milliners / phrenology ceramic head bust with moulded features. Hollow interior. Measuring approx. 25cm x 14cm.

Coalport - A vintage 20th century porcelain china tea service for six. Minuet pattern with cups, saucers, teapot, sugar bowl and milk jug. (AF)

Caithness - Collection of eight late 20th century glass paperweights. Comprised of Alastair Macintosh, Pink Confetti, Ultra Cool, Caress, Alpine W...

Mid century West German pottery 'Fat Lava' style floor standing vase with graduating colours of browns and greens. Scheurich Keramik makers mark t...

Royal Worcester - Collection of nine late 20th century porcelain egg coddlers with chrome lidded tops. Each with a transfer design depicting birds...

Large collection of 20th century Royal Doulton Lambeth stoneware, comprised of lidded pots, jugs, teapots, vases and more. Varying makers marks pr...

Caithness - Collection of eight 20th century glass paperweights. Comprised of Time Tunnel, Entangled 200/500, Tender Touch, White Tornado 125/650,...

Schafer & Vater - Two German early 20th century comical bisque porcelain figures. Comprised of two children sat upon a seat together with the titl...

Gebruder Heubach - Early 20th century German bisque porcelain figures, comprised of a jointed doll numbered 10490 and piano baby figurines, exampl...

20th century Boleslawiec Polish ceramic pottery tea service. Comprised two teapots, six mugs / cups, six saucers, six plates, milk jug and sugar p...

Caithness - A collection of eight vintage Caithness Scotland handmade blown glass paperweights. The collection to include examples such as Rose De...

  • 551 item(s)

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