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560 item(s)/page
Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.
Waterford - A collection of 20th century Waterford Lismore drinking glasses. Large gin / wine stemmed glasses with Lismore crystal cut glass bowls...
Lladro - Vintage 20th century porcelain figural group Couple Pastoral model 01004669 retired 1978 statue / figurine. With makers mark to underside...
Royal Albert - Old Country Roses - A mid century circa 1960s porcelain china tea / dinner service set. To include cups, saucers, milk jug, sugar b...
Sanxing Dieties (Fu Lu Shou) statues - The three gods of fortune, prosperity and longevity. Early 20th century hand painted with makers stamps / c...
Clarice Cliff - A mid 20th century Clarice Cliffe Bizzare Crocus jug. The jug having a white ground, with hand painted polychrome floral design. M...
Denby - Glyn Colledge - A mid 20th century Glyn Colledge for Denby ceramic vase. The vase having a brown ground with repeating floral motifs. Make...
A large 20th century porcelain serving platter / cake plate. The plate having white ground with handles to each side, decorated in pink floral spr...
A collection of 19th and 20th century ceramic cottages. The collection to include a selection of different miniature ceramic cottage figures, each...
Whitefriars - retro mid 20th century tangerine orange bark pattern vase, designed by Geoffrey Baxter, pattern 9690.19cm height approx.
An early 20th century porcelain china pin / half doll. Having a three layer pierced dress, pin ribbon on a circular base with spring connected hea...
Royal Worcester - A collection of vintage 20th century circa 1970s porcelain painted bisque female figurines. Comprising of Winter Waltz, Charity,...
Royal Albert - Imari - An early 20th century porcelain china tea service set. Comprising of cups, saucers, side plates (trios), cake plate, milk j...
Josef Hospodka for Chribska - A Czech vintage mid century studio art glass vase ornament. In a pink and orange colourway with a tapering foot and ...
Josef Hospodka for Chribska - Two Czech vintage mid century studio art glass vase ornaments. In a red / blue purple colourway with a tapering foot...
Narumi Fantasy Glass - Sanyu - A large and heavy 1960's Japanese retro studio art glass vase with twist knobbly finials and clear, multicolour / r...
Josef Hospodka for Chribska & Murano - Two vintage mid 20th century studio art glass ornaments / vase bowl. On of floral form with tapering body i...
Melba Ware - A butcher's shop window display cow / bull by Melba Ware. Marked to base Melba Wear and sticker decal, England.30cm approx length
G Armani - Capodimonte - A collection of three vintage 20th century porcelain bisque figurines. Including a female ballet dancer, a woman in 18th ...
Heinrich / Hutschenreuther - A collection three 20th century Bavarian porcelain gilt decorated plates. The collection to include two matching Hein...
Haviland Limoges - A set of eight 20th century Haviland Limoges porcelain gilt decorated plates. The plates each having a white ground with blue r...
Royal Worcester - Gold Chantilly - An extensive collection of Royal Worcester Gold Chantilly pattern porcelain table ware. The tea / dinner servic...
Coalport & Royal Worcester—A collection of vintage 20th-century porcelain lady figurines. Limited edition, including High Society, sculptured by J...
Nao / Lladro—A collection of vintage 20th-century Spanish porcelain figures/statues. All depict females with headwear and dresses, and the makers ...
Wedgwood - Jasperware - A collection of vintage 20th century jasperware items including pin dishes, trinket boxes, bud / stem vase, and shaped sma...
Royal Albert - Old Country Roses - A 20th century Royal Albert Old Country Roses tea service. The collection to include a tea / coffee pot, alongs...
Impact - British Anchor - A 20th century British Anchor Impact Staffordshire coffee service. The coffee service in a black colourway, with fluted ...
Royal Krona - A collection of 20th century Royal Krona studio glass paperweights / bookends. The collection featuring clear and frosted glass desi...
A collection of vintage 20th century glass paperweights. Including, Caithness - Cinderella, Mooncrystal, Swish, Langham and other examples. Most s...
Large collection of vintage 20th century cut glass crystal decanters, some with stoppers and jugs.
An early 20th century Chinese miniature / dolls house porcelain tea / coffee set. Compirising of teapot, four cups and tray. Famille Rose pattern ...
A pair of vintage 20th century hand painted marriage satsuma Chinese vases. Blue ground with Chinese figural designs, on a circular foot. Makers s...
Crown Devon - An early 20th century circa 1930s Crown Devon S Fieldings ceramic vase. The vase of bulbous form, with flared rim to top. Having yel...
Royal Doulton - Winston Churchill - Two vintage 20th century ceramic pottery character jugs. Winston in the seated position with the iconic cigar ...
A collection of 20th century Bristol blue glass decorative pieces. The collection contains examples of vases, paperweights, glasses, a snake form ...
Bottaro - Murano - A mid 20th century studio art glass dolphin paperweight figure. The figure in the form of a dolphin, raised over a rounded bubb...
Carlton Ware - A collection of four mid 20th century Carlton Ware Lobster dishes, alongside another Carlton Ware example. The Lobster dishes each ...
Wedgwood - Jasperware - A collection of porcelain table ware pieces. In the traditional light blue bisque porcelain with the white cameo design. I...
Wedgwood - Jasperware - A vintage 20th century porcelain doll's tea service set. Including teapot, coffee pot, bell AF, cup, saucers, spoon AF, se...
Wedgwood - Jasperware - Large collection of porcelain / tableware pieces. To include light blue cameo trinket boxes, small vase some in campana fo...
Spode - Italian & Girl In Well - A collection of contemporary blue and white ceramic tea / dinner service / tableware. Including cups, saucers, sp...
Italian Strega - Borgonovo - A collection of five frosted glass Art Deco-style 1970s sundae bowls / floral vases. They have a circular green base ...
A Victorian 19th century silver plate epergne centrepiece vase. With three etched floral funnels, with an unmatched glass example. On a silver pla...
Carn Pottery - Troika Manner Cornish studio art pottery. Vintage 20th century ceramic pottery vases. One with makers stamp, other unsigned. Geomet...
A vintage 20th century Japanese Iwatsu glassworks hineri pattern hand blown glass bowl. Together with an Italian Murano glass vase with textured c...
Harrach - Mid 20th century studio art glass vase. Pink and white decoration, Harrtil range. Designed by Milos Pulpitel & Milan Metelak.19cm heigh...
Murano - A retro mid 20th century circa 1960s studio art glass sculpture / ornament. Teardrop form with pierced decoration on a circular foot. Blu...
Poole Pottery - A collection of retro 20th century ceramic studio art pottery vases. Most are in the fat lava pattern. With an Alan Clarke example...
Wedgwood - A collection of studio art glass amber glass paperweights. Vintage 20th century in the form of animals. Dog, cat, squirrel and pig. Tog...
An early 20th century Chinese Meiji period porcelain vase. The vase of bulbous form, with rounded base and tapered neck. Featuring iron red painte...
Wedgwood - Jasperware - A collection of vintage 20th century porcelain tableware. To include royal blue biscuit barrel, emerald green heart-shaped...
A collection of vintage 20th century glassware ornaments. Featuring Bristol blue glass cat, Wedgwood duck paperweight, Mdina knight / seahorse and...
A collection of vintage 20th century German porcelain Lao figurines and Staffordshire. To include thread / lace work children's dresses. Small chi...
Isle of Wight - A 20th century signed circular base, in a green ground with gilt sprays. Together with a silver plate topped scent bottle, in a mo...
Alsterbro - Swedish mid century studio art glass circa 1960s Scandinavian vase. Having bowl top into a square vase support in a turquoise colourwa...
Capodimonte - A 1900s gilt gold Greek Goddess woman porcelain lady figure. Semil nude with arm outstretched with gilt dress. Together with a porce...
Susie Cooper - A mid 20th century ceramic table lamp vase with Dresen spray design and makers mark to underside. Together with a pair of Art Deco ...
Soho Pottery - Solian Ware - An Art Deco porcelain china coffee service. To include cups, saucers, milk / creamer jug, sugar bowl. Makers mark pre...
Helena Wolfsohn - A late 19th century Helena Wolfsohn Dresden porcelain lidded chocolate cup and saucer. The cup and saucer having white ground, w...
New Chelsea - A vintage mid 20th century New Chelsea bone china part tea service, alongside another china example. The New Chelsea service having ...
Bristow Chillington - A mid centruy ceramic tea / coffee service set. Including teapot, saucers, cups, plates, milk jug, sauce jug and sugar bowl....

560 item(s)/page