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252 item(s)/page
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A 19th century George III flame mahogany chest of drawers. The chest of drawers featuring a two short over three long drawer configuration. Raised...
An early 20th century Edwardian walnut chest of drawers. The chest of drawers featuring a two short over three long drawer configuration. Raised o...
A late 19th century Victorian mahogany pier mirror. Having a central bevelled edge rectangular mirror pane, with shaped skirt and metal sconces (A...
A pair of early 20th century Edwardian mahogany bowfront bedside cabinets / pot cupboards. Each raised on tapered legs, with a single cupboard doo...
An early 20th century Edwardian inlaid mahogany corner cabinet. The cabinet having a large single door to front, with recessed panel featuring inl...
An early 20th century turned oak wood standard lamp. The lamp raised on a rounded base, with turned column featuring fluted detail.183cm approx
An early 20th century Arts and Crafts style oak open window bookcase. The bookcase raised on a plinth base, with a series of three shelves above. ...
Herbert Terry - Anglepoise - A mid 20th century Anglepoise Herbert Terry adjustable table desk lamp. The lamp having a rounded base, with adjusta...
An early 20th century Edwardian inlaid mahogany bowfront hall table and triptych mirror. The hall table raised on squared tapered legs. Having two...
Two early 20th century Edwardian mahogany bedside cabinets / side tables. One raised on long tapered supports, with two drawers to front and chamf...
Kieran McInnes Loch Carron Islands Mixed Media on Paper Framed and glazed60 x 78 approx
G Plan - A vintage mid century Chevron pattern teak sideboard credenza. Rectangular form with parallel drawer to top, with a series of cupboard do...
Ercol - Two mid 20th century circa 1960s Ercol dark beech and elm pebble tables. Each having shaped table tops raised over splayed tapering suppor...
A 1920s carved oak Jacobean revival hallstand. Raised on barley twist supports with glove drawer over drip tray base. Upright gallery back with ce...
A Scandinavian pine 20th century hall cupboard. Raised on a plinth base with single drawer having fielded centre. Above, a flared edge cabinet top...
A vintage mid 20th century childs pine school desk and chair. The desk raised on squared supports, painted in a blue colourway, with hinged top. A...
British Modern Design - A mid 20th century teak tile top nest of tables. The tables raised on squared supports, united by perimeter stretchers. Ha...
A 19th century George III mahogany converted commode bachelors chest of drawers. Raised on shaped legs, with a bank of four drawers to front. Havi...
20th century Afghan Ziegler Farahan floor carpet rug. Red ground with central opposing medallion design with scrolled borders.123x83cm approx
A 20th century bentwood and leather lounge armchair. The chair raised on a bentwood frame, with dark green leather upholstered seat and backrest.1...
Oak Furniture Land manner - A set of four contemporary oak wood highback dining chairs. Each chair raised on squared supports, with a leather upho...
An early 20th century Edwardian mahogany chest of drawers. The chest of drawers raised on bracket feet, with a two short over three long drawer co...
Edward W Sharland (1884-1967) Two Untitled, Early 20th century Etchings on paper Signed in paper Framed and glazed 27x22cm approx
Early 20th century elm windsor armchair. The armchair raised on turned legs united by turned stretchers. Having shaped arms raised on turned posts...
An Indian Hardwood handpainted opium / traders table. Raised on bell feet with single drawer to the box frieze body with chamfered edge top above....
An early 20th century Gothic style leather armchair. The chair with Gothic shaped back featuring brass studs to the upholstery, with later tartan ...
A 1950s Circular plastic wicker basket chair in the atomic style. Raised on tubular metal frame with two tone plastic wicker finish.50x51x42cm app...
After Thomas Walder - A 19th century oak cased square face long case clock. The clock having enamelled painted face, with floral decoration and Ro...
An early 20th century painters folding step ladder. The ladder having folding frame, with a series of three steps / rungs to front. Featuring pain...
Two Ivy E Smith watercolour paintings. Each painting framed and glazed, one depicting a church the other a village scene. Each framed and glazed.4...
A pair of 20th century Queen Anne revival fireside armchairs. Each raised on cabriole legs, with scrolled armrest and floral upholstery.92x68x70cm...
A contemporary Hollywood regency style brass table lamp. The lamp raised on a rounded stepped base, with bulbous details to column.85cm approx
A Victorian 19th century mahogany and tile back hall chair. The hall chair with inset Romeo & Juliet classical inset tile under arched pediment. P...
A George III 19th century mahogany demi lune - half moon card / games table. Raised on tapering legs with flame mahogany frieze. Fold over games t...
A 19th century George III mahogany bachelors chest of drawers / commode. The chest having chmafered edge to top and being raised over a bank of fo...
A 19th century George III bachelors chest of drawers. The chest having a bank of four drawers, each with ornate brass handles with serpentine apro...
Queen Anne revival walnut ladies writing table desk - bonheur de jour. Raised on cabriole legs with hoof feet having shaped apron beneath single d...
A Queen Anne revival mahogany pedestal floor standard lamp. Raised on cabriole legs with pad feet having turned column and complete with two tone ...
An early 20th century mahogany tilt top loo / dining table. The table raised on splayed legs, with floral relief carved detail, and an oval shaped...
Christine Rosamond (American, 1947-1994) three pieces of artwork presco lithographs prints. Titled Blue Ice, Summer Mood / Simone and Denim & Silk...
A vintage 20th century Anglo Indian folding occasional table. Heavily carved detail with foliate and floral detail to top, further pierced detail ...
A vintage 20th century plaster pig menu chalkboard. The pig figure holding the chalkboard design wearing a baret with neckerchief.
A vintage mid 20th century alabaster fly catcher ceiling light shade. Of circular form with hanging metal chain.35cm diameter approx.
A 19th century Victorian brass & steel jam pan / cauldron. Together with a large brass gong with hanging / carry rope. 51cm diameter approx.
Two Victorian 19th century oil on painted photographs. Depicting a life study of a gentleman and a woman. Both are in seated positions with a gilt...
A contemporary tripod table movie / film set lamp light. With hinged shutter flaps, circular / barrel body on tripod legs.65cm height approx.
A 19th century Savonarola throne style armchair. The chair having mahogany carved back rest and seat with shield back symbol to back curved mahoga...
Coalbrookdale manner - A 20th century Coalbrookdale manner cast iron umbrella stand and bootscrape. The bootscrape having a lyre style scrape abov...
A vintage 20th century tubular black coat / hat rack. With multiple top pegs with lower central column hooks with ball finials with splayed legs.
Sherbourne - A vintage 20th century leather footstool. With red and white chequered pattern, ebonised tapering leg with ball end. Makers stamp to ...
Lucian Ercolani for Ercol Furniture - A set of five mid century Ercol golsmiths dining chairs. High back Windsor chairs. Each chair having spindle...
A vintage 20th century reindeer skin pelt floor rug carpet.
M Howard ( British 20th century ) Still life oil on canvas painting study of fruit in a bowl. Signed to the lower corner, framed. Together with an...
A Victorian 19th century West Country oak cased longcase grandfather clock by Sam Pegler of Blandford. The clock with painted dial and Roman numer...
Manner of Ercol Furniture- A 20th century oak sideboard bookcase display cabinet in the manner of Ercol Old Colonnial pattern. The bae with cupboa...
After Sir Gerald Kelly (1879-1972) - Mid century portrait of the Burmese Princess Saw Ohn Nyun, offset print in colours on board.
A 19th cenury George III mahogany chest of drawers. Raised on bracket feet with short and deep drawer configuration.97cm x 120cmx 57cm.
A pair of Queen Anne revival wing back armchairs. Raised on mahogany cabriole legs with pad feet having barrel arms and winged back rests. Finishe...
A Victorian 19th century painted pine large blanket box chest. Plain panel sides with hinged top above. Open storage within
Manner of Jaycee / Old Charm. A 20th century oak and leaded glass bookcase display cabinet. Raised on stile legs with lower cupboard having twin d...

252 item(s)/page