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454 item(s)/page
A SILVER MODEL OF A LEOPARD or jaguar, probably Italian, 20th century, marked to tail, 920 grams in weight, 30cm in length
A LARGE AND IMPRESSIVE 19TH CENTURY STERLING SILVER PUNCH BOWL, LONDON C,.1867 the massive antique English (VIctorian) centrepiece orr jardiniere ...
OMAR RAMSDEN C. 1923: A STERLING SILVER CUP AND COVER the early 20th century, George V period Arts and Crafts style solid silver cup and cover ra...
A FINE 1930'S ITALIAN SOLID SILVER CHAMPAGNE COOLER the elegant wine cooler or ice bucket with scallop edged rim, a pair of C scroll and foliate ...
A LARGE SILVER WINE COOLER Portuguese, the wine or champagne bucket of urn design with a pair of ring handles hung from lion mask terminals, ther ...
A FINE 19TH CENTURY SCOTTISH STERLING SILVER JUG, GLASGOW C.1865 the Victorian lidded jug or pitcher with finely chased strapwork decoration to t...
A LARGE LATE 19TH CENTURY GERMAN SILVER TANKARD DEPICTING NAPOLEON the tankard profusely decorated with a Napoleonic battle scene, centred by Nap...
A MASSIVE 19TH CENTURY GERMAN SILVER CUP AND COVER, PROBABLY HANAU of exhibition quality, designed in the 17th century Renaissance style and of hu...
A PAIR OF LATE 19TH CENTURY FRENCH ORMOLU MOUNTED JAPONAISERIE VASES circa 1875-80, of flattened pear shape with a pair of handles, with silvered...
A PAIR OF LATE 19TH CENTURY FRENCH SEVRES STYLE PORCELAIN VASES in the Louis XVI style, the urns and covers with removable lids with ormolu fruit...
A PAIR OF LATE 19TH CENTURY BLACK FOREST CARVED WOOD VASES the carved lindenwood groups depicting a pair of pheasants on a rocky base beside flow...
A FINE EARLY 20TH CENTURY ORMOLU AND CUT CRYSTAL GLASS EPERGNE, POSSIBLY BY OSLER in the Louis XVI style, the gilt stand of oval form and raised ...
A LATE 19TH / EARLY 20TH CENTURY ORMOLU AND GLASS EPERGNE the ornate antique centrepiece formed as a central trumpet shaped vase flanked by four ...
A LATE 19TH / EARLY 20TH CENTURY FRENCH CHAMPLEVE ENAMEL CLOCK GARNITURE the gilt brass mantel clock of architectural form with enamelled pilaste...
BARBEDIENNE: A LATE 19TH CENTURY CHAMPLEVE ENAMEL AND ORMOLU CLOCK GARNTURE the set comprised of a gilt bronze mantel clock surmounted by a twin ...
JAEGER LE COULTRE: A LACQUERED BRASS ATMOS CLOCK, NO. 647483 the canted case with removable glazed panel to the front, signed 'ATMOS JAEGER LE CO...
A LATE 19TH CENTURY FRENCH CHAMPLEVE ENAMEL, ONYX AND ORMOLU FOUR GLASS MANTEL CLOCK of architectural form, surmounted by a caddy top with enamel...
JULES VIEILLARD: A 19TH CENTURY CHINESE STYLE FAIENCE MANTEL CLOCK CIRCA 1860 in the Aesthetic style, the French (Bordeaux) glazed faience clock ...
AN EARLY 19TH CENTURY FRENCH GILT BRONZE MANTEL CLOCK WITH MARLEY HORSE the 1830's - 1840's ormolu mantel clock in the Louis XVI style, surmounte...
AN EARLY 20TH CENTURY AUSTRIAN PAINTED TERRACOTTA MODEL OF A PUG Vienna, the standing dog with glass eyes, 32cm wide x 26cm high
AN EARLY 20TH CENTURY AUSTRIAN PAINTED TERRACOTTA MODEL OF A PUG the dog in play position, his tongue protruding and wearing a gilt collar, with ...
A VERY FINE EARLY 20TH CENTURY FRENCH GILT BRONZE AND CARRARA MARBLE CLOCK GARNITURE in the Louis XVI style, the solid white marble case surmount...
CLAIRE JEANNE ROBERTE COLINET: 'DANSEUSE DE THEBES' C. 1925 the large Art Deco period gilt bronze figure of a dancing girl in exotic skirt, with ...
EMMANUEL VILLANIS (1858-1914): 'PRISE DE CORSAIRE' a bronze figure of a slave girl, multi colour patinated, with silvered shackles, signed 'E. Vi...
PAUL DUBOIS (FRENCH, 1829-1905): A VERY LARGE BRONZE FIGURE OF 'LE CHANTEUR FLORENTINE'cast by Ferdinand Barbediennethe standing figure singing an...
MATHURIN MOREAU (FRENCH, 1822-1912): A LARGE MARBLE FIGURE OF A GIRL the young peasant girl holding an urn of water, on naturalistic carved base,...
A 19TH CENTURY ITALIAN MARBLE FIGURAL GROUP OF TWO CHERUBS AFTER FALCONET (1716-1791) the Carrara marble sculpture depicting two Cupids fighting ...
MAURICE CONSTANT FAVRE (1875-1915): A BRONZE FIGURE 'CHANT DE LA FILEUSE' late 19th / early 20th century, the standing lady in Medieval dress, si...
A LATE 19TH CENTURY ITALIAN MICROMOSAIC FRAME WITH PORCELAIN PANEL AFTER RAPHAEL the frame decorated with flowers on a turquoise ground, enclosin...
A 19TH CENTURY STOBWASSER STYLE LACQUERED CARD CASE German, the painted and lacquered papier mache case depicting a portrait of a lady to one sid...
A FINE 19TH CENTURY JAPANESE SILVER AND ENAMELLED BOX DECORATED WITH A CARP the rectangular cigarette or trinket box with hinged lid decorated wi...
A SET OF FOUR EARLY 20TH CENTURY SILVER AND PARCEL GILT BERRY SPOONS George V period in the George III style, the spoon bowl with repousse decora...
A SET OF THREE GEORGE II SILVER CONDIMENT VASES, LONDON, 1758, EDWARD WAKELIN the mid 18th century Georgian sterling silver condiment vases or ca...
A PAIR OF EARLY 20TH CENTURY CHINESE EXPORT SILVER CANDLESTICKS MARKED FOR WANG HING of cylindrical form, the stems decorated with a dragon, with...
DUNHILL: A STERLING SILVER ICE BUCKET, LONDON, 1969, COMYNS Elizabeth II period, retailed by Dunhill, of tapering cylindrical form with a pull of...
A STERLING SILVER MODEL OF A WALKING LION with mouth open revealing teeth, the tail marked '925', 530 grams in weight, 25cm wide
A STERLING SILVER RABBIT CRUET SET, LONDON, C. 1937 comprised of four salt and pepper shakers modelled as a standing rabbits with coloured glass ...
A CHINESE SILVER, ENAMEL AND HARD STONE MOUNTED MODEL OF A DUCK decorated in cloisonne enamel, with turquoise gems and filigree feathers, marked ...
AN INDIAN SILVER MILK JUG AND SPOON Engraved and chased with panels of figures and animals and floral reserves 10 cm , 190 g weight
AN EARLY 20TH CENTURY STERLING SILVER TEAPOT, C. 1923 the antique teapot in the Regency style teapot, with ebonised wood handle and finial, with ...
A RARE 19TH CENTURY SILVER GILT MUG WITH CARVED CAMEOS, LONDON, 1876 the body decorated with trailing husk garlands and ribbon tied foliage, the s...
A SET OF TWELVE 18TH CENTURY GERMAN PORCELAIN MOUNTED KNIVES, PROBABLY MEISSEN the handles each decorated with a different scene, six painted wit...
A LATE 19TH CENTURY FRENCH LIMOGES ENAMEL PLAQUETTE with foiled decoration, depicting a courting couple in 18th century dress, siged 'Cotting', i...
AN EXCEPTIONAL EARLY 19TH CENTURY PALAIS ROYAL MUSICAL HARP ENCRIER French, Empire period, the gilt bronze and mother of pearl music box formed a...
AN ORMOLU MOUNTED AND ENAMELLED CRANBERRY GLASS VASE in the Neo-Grec style, the fluted glass decorated with gilt and enamelled decoration of scro...
A 19TH CENTURY FRENCH SEVRES STYLE PORCELAIN AND ORMOLU MOUNTED VASE the large vase or jardiniere of twin handled urn form, decorated with a pain...
A LARGE PAIR OF ITALIAN 19TH CENTURY CARVED ALABASTER URNS AND COVERS of baluster vase form, each with twin scroll handles and fixed dome and pie...
A FINE AND LARGE PAIR OF 19TH CENTURY MARBLE AND ORMOLU MOUNTED URNS AND COVERS French, in the Louis XVI style, the white Carrara marble mounted ...
AN IMPRESSIVE PAIR OF IRISH STERLING SILVER 'ARMADA' CLARET JUGS C. 1876-1877, DUBLIN the antique Victorian 19th century wine ewers ornately decor...
TETARD FRERES: A FINE PAIR OF 19TH CENTURY SILVER AND CRYSTAL GLASS CLARET JUGS CIRCA 1880 the pair of French silver and crystal glass wine jugs o...
A 19TH CENTURY STERLING SILVER CLARET JUG the wine jug with applied decoration of scrolling vines to the body, with branch and foliate handle and...
A FINE GEORGE III PERIOD STERLING SILVER WARWICK CRUET BY JOHN DELMESTER the mid 18th century silver and glass cruet set in the Rococo style, com...
A HIGHLY IMPORTANT GEORGE GEORGE II SILVER BASKET C.1738, PETER ARCHAMBO I the 18th century sterling silver fruit basket of pierced Rococo design...
A PAIR OF MID 19TH CENTURY STERLING SILVER CANDLESTICKS C. 1855 the Victorian candlesticks in the Rococo style, with removable drip pans over urn...
A PAIR OF EARLY 20TH CENTURY STERLING SILVER SHELL SHAPED DISHES C. 1908 Edwardian period, the pierced dishes formed in the shape of shells, with...
AN IMPRESSIVE WILLIAM IV PERIOD STERLING SILVER FOUR PIECE TEA SET C. 1836 the 19th century tea set with coffee pot, teapot, milk jug and twin han...
A FINE PAIR OF 18TH CENTURY STERLING SILVER SAUCE TUREENS, LONDON, 1790, WILLIAM PITTS the George III period tureens and covers of bombe oval form...
A MASSIVE 17TH CENTURY STYLE SILVER GINGER JAR C. 1927, BRITANNIA STANDARD 958 English, early 20th century, by Crichton Brothers, the large vase ...
A LARGE PAIR OF EARLY 20TH CENTURY BRITANNIA SILVER SUGAR SIFTERS C. 1903 the Edwardian silver muffineers or flour sifters of ringed form with re...

454 item(s)/page